Turbine Anti-collision System for Bird Protection


Automated System that continuously monitors, detects birds and prevents bird strikes

  • Compliance in accordance with the legal framework
  • Conservation of Biodiversity
  • Maximum Energy Efficiency of a Wind Park

System Functions

  • Continuous monitoring of the area around the wind turbine
  • Full area coverage – 360 degree surveillance around the wind turbine
  • Digital recording of images and videos using cameras.
  • Video playback either in real time (Live View), or later (recorded detected flights - events).
  • Display and Evaluation of Detected Flights – Events (at a later stage by the expert)
  • Bird movement hazard calculation (e.g. impact)
  • Collision Avoidance with: Use of Dissuasive Sounds, Wind Turbine Rotor Deceleration and Stopping
  • Rotor restart when collision risk falls below certain threshold

System Architecture

System Detection
System Collision Avoidance System (Sound + Rotor Control)
Sensors (Optional)

Supervision System

4 Ultra-Wide IP Daytime Cameras 6 MP
360° coverage around the A/C
Installation non-invasively using a metal ring around the A/C tower, height 5-10m

System Layout

500m – Large birds with wingspan>1.5m
280m – Medium birds with wingspan<1.5m
150m – Small birds with wingspan <0.6m

Collision Avoidance System

Collision Avoidance Subsystem using sound
  • Amplifier
  • 4 Speakers 30W RMS
  • Installation of speakers around the A/C tower non-invasively using a metal ring
  • Installation of amplifier inside A/C
Wind Turbine Deceleration and Stopping via SCADA
  • Interface communication with the SCADA of the Wind Farm (e.g. via Modbus)
  • Module installation inside A/C
  • Another way, e.g. through electrical signals